Unlike most of my counterparts I use a PC instead of a Mac for my Photographic business so I need a security program that will keep me clean and green. ESET does just that. After about a year of service not one virus not one operational problem. If you are using Windows 7 on a pc and have problems keeping it clean and free of viruses ESET is da deal. http://www.eset.com/
It's not free but it is sure worth what you pay. I have peace of mind that my computer therefore my business is going to stay up and run smooth.
There's a little company called Alzo Digital that makes one of the finest camera/strobe brakets there is. This little jewel is able to go from horizontal to vertical in less than a second. It's strobe tower is more than tall enough for any situation and it even has its own umbrella (using it is another thing as it gets a little heavy with the unbrella attached) to soften out those shadows. The camera end of it features a slide on base for quick camera removal and the whole unit is built like a tank. It is an event or wedding photographers dream. As I said before though if you put a Nikon D700 with a Nikon 24-70 f2.8 lense on it especially with an umbrella you better eat your Wheaties cause it will be HEAVY. I get nothing from Alzo for this so this article is my opinion and mine alone but the Alzo camera braket is superior to all others I've tried. Check it out for yourself and post any comments you have here so others can be more informed. Alzo:www.alzodigital.com The shot of James Marsden for Distinctly Oklahoma magazine was done with a single Nikon SB600 strobe and an Alzo bracket...
I found the Pec Pads to be a bit rough in texture and very linty. Whenever I use them they leave behind fibers and dust. The Dust-Cloth is smoother and less linty even when cut in pieces. More like cloth texture. I would have to say that the Dust-Cloth is my preference.
While I like most of Dust Aid's products, the Platinum sensor cleaner I'm not too fond of. It consists of a silicone pad on the end of a plastic stick that is supposed to pick dust up off the sensor sort of like a lint brush. Upon the first touch to my sensor I found that it left behind a small amount of some sort of residue. Even after several cleanings with the cleaner adhesive provided it still left behind a little residue. I can't recommend this product for two reasons: The aforementioned residue problem and the fact that you can't tell if you are picking up anything by looking at it. See all the Dust Aid products here.... Dust-Aid
If you have had different results with this product post it here. Thanks.
I will be publishing my findings on the different sensor cleaning systems I have tried and the results of each. There are so many systems out there on the market that it is hard to find one without trying all of them. I have tried several and I will be talking about the pros and cons of each one. Keep in mind these are non scientific results and I am in no way endorsing one brand over another so don't cry to me if one I like doesn't work for you and manufacturers should know that I don't care if yours doesn't work well. Get busy and improve it if you don't like it. More to come.